What is Freedom of Information?
The Freedom of Information Act 2014 gives you the right to access records held by FOI bodies. FOI bodies must give you an explanation if you are not given what you asked for and the decision must normally be made within 4 weeks. The Injuries Resolution Board is a body to whom Freedom of Information requests may be made.
What can I ask for?
You can ask for any of the following:
- Any records relating to you personally, whenever created
- All other records created by the Injuries Resolution Board since 21st April 2008
What is a record?
A record includes a book or other written or printed material which is in any form including in any electronic device. It is a map, plan or drawing, a disc, tape or film which contains visual or non-visual images or a copy of any of these. The majority of records held by the Injuries Resolution Board are documents or photographs either in soft copy (i.e. electronic) or hard copy format.
Applications under the FOI Act
Under the FOI Act, anyone is entitled to apply for access to information not otherwise publicly available.
Each person has a right to:
- Access records held by the Injuries Resolution Board
- Request correction of personal information relating to oneself held by the Injuries Resolution Board where it is inaccurate, incomplete or misleading
- Access to reasons for decisions made by the Injuries Resolution Board directly affecting oneself
The Injuries Resolution Board will normally be obliged to respond to the request within four weeks. A week is defined in the Act to mean five consecutive weekdays excluding Saturdays and public holidays (Sundays are also excluded as they are not weekdays).
Applications under the FOI Act should be addressed to:
Freedom of Information Officer,
The Injuries Resolution Board
PO Box 9732,
Dublin 24
Phone: 01 463 4532
Fax: 01 463 4593
E-mail: foi@injuries.ie
A template for FOI requests can be found here.
Assistance for persons with a disability
the Injuries Resolution Board's FOI Officer is available to provide assistance to persons with a disability to exercise their rights under the FOI Act (e.g. accepting oral requests from requesters who are unable to read, print and/or write due to their disability, enabling the requestor to inspect or have records explained to him or her).
Publication re suppliers and service providers
In line with its obligations under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 the Injuries Resolution Board publishes the names and details of the sums paid to suppliers and service providers on a quarterly basis. In addition the Injuries Resolution Board also publishes details relating to contracts awarded to suppliers and providers on a quarterly basis.
This information is published on the the Injuries Resolution Board website.
A wide range of information is available at our statistics pages accessible here.
Access to Environmental Information
Access to information on the environment is important to enable members of the public to know and understand what is happening in the environment around them. It also assists the public to participate in environmental decision-making in an informed manner.
The Government ensures that members of the public have this access through implementation of the AIE Regulations in Ireland.
Environmental information held by, or for, a public authority should be provided to any person who requests it from public authorities under the AIE Regulations.
Particular procedures apply to this process and access to information may be refused in certain circumstances.
There is also an appeals process in case a person is unhappy with a decision on their request.
Requests under the AIE Regulations should be made to the body which the applicant believes holds the information.
If you are seeking information in relation to AIE Regulations on the basis that the Injuries Resolution Board holds relevant information, please contact our AIE Officer at foi@injuries.ie