The following is a list of regularly used terms during the claims process.
The amount of damages awarded to a claimant by the Injuries Resolution Board once a case has been fully reviewed.
This issues to the claimant so that they can pursue their claim through the Courts system if they so wish. An authorisation is issued if an assessment has been rejected by either party or if the respondent declines to consent to the assessment of the claim by the Injuries Resolution Board.
Claim Application Form
The documentation that a claimant is required to complete before a claim can be assessed.
The person claiming for compensation.
Claimant Guide
The Injuries Resolution Board's leaflet providing impartial information for someone who has been injured and is considering making a claim for compensation. It is sent to claimants by insurers and is available on the Injuries Resolution Board website.
Formal Notice
Correspondence received by a respondent from the Injuries Resolution Board when an application for compensation is made against them by a claimant.
General Damages
Damages to cover pain and suffering from injuries sustained by the claimant in an accident. These are separate from Special Damages, which are defined below.
Independent Medical Examination
A review of a claimant’s injuries or medical condition carried out by an independent medical practitioner. The Injuries Resolution Board usually appoints medical practitioners as required.
Loss of Earnings
The amount of money lost by a claimant due to their inability to work because of injuries sustained in an accident.
Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process, widely acknowledged as an effective way of resolving disputes. In mediation, those involved can talk about and explore issues of importance to them. This could include the claim value, extent of injury, liability, negligence, or future treatment requirements, to name a few.
Medical Report
A form detailing the extent of injuries and treatment, which is submitted to the Injuries Resolution Board by a claimant. The treating doctor best placed to describe the nature and extent of injury should complete the report.
Motor Insurers' Bureau of Ireland. The entity that deals with claims from victims of accidents by uninsured and unidentified vehicles.
Order to pay
Where both parties agree to a Injuries Resolution Board assessment or mediated agreement, this is a document issued by Injuries Resolution Board to the claimant, which has a similar status to a court order.
Personal Injuries Guidelines
Guidelines adopted by the Judicial Council in Ireland, which catalogue the compensation to be awarded by Judges or by Injuries Resolution Board in
respect of varying types of injury. Any departure from these Guidelines can only be for stated reasons.
Personal Injuries Resolution Board
Personal Injuries Resolution Board, the independent and impartial State body that resolves personal injuries.
Processing Fee
The amount due to be paid by a claimant and submitted along with a claim application form and medical report before a claim can be assessed. The processing fee is currently 45 euro for a claim via our website/online system or 90 euro for a claim using paper forms or email.
The person or entity against which a personal injury claim is being made.
Special Damages
Damages covering loss of earnings, medical expenses, out of pocket expenses and vehicle damage costs as a result of an accident.
Treating Doctor
A doctor who has treated the claimant in respect of the injuries sustained.