We are an independent statutory body. Our objective is to ensure that people claiming for injuries sustained in an accident, have their compensation assessed quickly and fairly and without unnecessary litigation overheads.
Join Our Independent Medical Panel
The Injuries Resolution Board are now seeking applications from medical practitioners across a variety of specialities.
Applications should be made in writing via email to medicalpanel@injuries.ie. Details of qualifications and experience should be provided. Find out more here.
The Role of Medical Professionals within our Process:
Treating doctors:
When making an application to our organisation each Claimant must submit a medical report with their application. This report is normally completed by one of the Claimant’s treating practitioners. A copy of the medical report will be passed to the respondent/s (the person/s against whom the claim is being made) and their insurers where known, in order that they may know the nature and extent of the claim. As a result the medical report should only contain medical history relevant to the claim being made.
We have undertaken to have the majority of claims assessed within nine months of submission and with this time frame in mind it is vital that a medical report is clear, concise and gives, as far as possible, a final prognosis and likely recovery period.
The Claimant should discharge the cost of a medical report directly to the examining doctor. If the claim proceeds to assessment, the claimant may be awarded the reasonable and necessary cost of this medical report.
Information for members of the Independent Medical Panel
Doctors on the Independent Medical Panel must agree to the terms of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for inclusion on the Independent Medical Panel. Doctors on the Independent Medical Panel must hold a primary qualification recognised by the Medical Council of Ireland and be a fully registered practitioner on the General Medical Register with the Council.
Medical reports should be submitted on the Medical Assessment Form (Form B). Appointments should be provided within four weeks of request and reports should be supplied within two weeks of the appointment. Placement on the Independent Medical Panel is not a guarantee of referrals.
How to join:
Please apply in writing via email to Medicalinbox@injuries.ie. Details of qualifications and experience should be provided.
Feedback: If you are a member of the medical community and have any queries or feedback please contact us at enquiries@injuries.ie
Useful information -
World Health Organisation (WHO) International classification of diseases (ICD)
Data Protection
When performing services for our organisation all Service Providers are obliged to comply fully with the provisions of all data protection legislation in Ireland, including laws resulting from the implementation of GDPR.
Medical data is defined as sensitive personal data under GDPR. Under GDPR, people are entitled to be informed when their data is processed, and to be assured their data will be kept securely and not held longer than needed. Data controllers and processors are also obliged to handle requests for personal data within one month, and to rectify inaccurate information. It is mandatory to report breaches of data to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner with 72 hours.
Please refer to our Data Protection Policy and Independent Medical Panel Service Level Agreement for more information.